
Active Requests for Proposal & Requests for Quote

Active RFQ/RFP documents appear below. If you wish to submit a bid, please send bids and a completed procurement form to [email protected] by the posted deadline in order to be considered. We encourage minority and women-owned businesses to apply. All bidders will be checked against the System for Award Management (SAM).

Request for Proposals (RFP):
Environmental Review Services
24 CFR Part 58


Timeline Amended on 12/25/2024 

CLICK HERE For a pintable copy of the RFP and Required Attachments


An environmental review is the process of reviewing a project and its potential environmental impacts to determine whether it complies with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and related laws and authorities. All HUD-assisted projects are required to undergo an environmental review to evaluate environmental Impacts. The analysis includes both how the project can affect the environment and how the environment can affect the project, site, and end users.

Part 50 and Part 58

The first step in the environmental review process is determining whether the HUD assistance falls under a Part 50 or Part 58 environmental review. This is usually specified in the Notice of Funding Availability, program regulations, or legislation. Part 58 and Part 50 are the sections of HUD regulations that implement that National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Part 50 applies to programs where HUD performs the environmental reviews, and Part 58 applies to programs that allow a responsible entity to perform the environmental reviews.

Environmental Analysis (Part 58)

Part 58 reviews may be subject to the requirements of 24 CFR 58.6, 24 CFR 58.5, environmental assessment factors, and the analysis under the National Environmental Policy Act.

Consulting Services

LAHC-Leaders Advancing and Helping Communities (“LAHC”) is requesting proposals from firms to provide consulting services related to 24 CFR Part 58, HUD Environmental Review Regulations. The selected consultant (“Consultant”) will review LAHC provided Project Description, including any proposed scope of work and associated HUD funding, and determine the appropriate level of environmental review. The Consultant will conduct the environmental review and submit two copies of the completed review for execution by the Certifying Officers. The Consultant will also have experience submitting the Environmental Review in HEROs.

Background and Project Description

LAHC – Leaders Advancing and Helping Communities is a Michigan Non-Profit corporation and an approved charitable 501(c)(3) organization. LAHC’s programming is multifaceted –using a holistic approach to serve community members, we provide youth & workforce development programs, scholarship opportunities, mental health services, development disabilities and autism services, nutrition education, exercise and parenting programs that are tailored for women and girls, digital & financial literacy classes, substance use disorder prevention and place-based partnerships.

LAHC is also a community resource for access to educational programs, workforce development opportunities, ESL classes, housing assistance, and food distribution. Importantly, LAHC is a partner to other organizations, serving as a champion and advocate for immigrants, people who are Middle Eastern and North African (MENA), Spanish-speaking people, and people affected by systemic racism, xenophobia, and/or generational poverty.  LAHC’s mission is to empower communities, one family at a time, by advancing the educational, social, health, and economic well-being of Southeast Michigan Residents.  

In line with LAHC’s mission to empower communities in Southeast Michigan by advancing educational, social, health, and economic well-being, LAHC is establishing a hub for workforce development, education, and training.  LAHC was awarded a HUD Community Project Grant (CPF) in the amount of $500,000 (Gant No. B-24-CP-MI- 1189).  This Grant will be used to fund a new building addition to house LAHC’s educational, social, health, and economic well-being programs.

LAHC purchased Saint Clements Church and the adjacent Rectory building, located at 5275 Kenilworth St. Dearborn, MI. 48126. LAHC rehabilitated and repurposed the 50-year-old church, successfully transforming it into a state-of-the-art facility that welcomes community members and connects them to critical programs and services. The current project entails the redevelopment and transformation of the 7130SF Rectory building (SF includes the basement) into a workforce development, education, and training hub. This scope of work entails the demolition of the existing Rectory building and garage as well as the design and construction of a new, 1 story 6500SF addition to the church. The Rectory building’s existing footprint will be maintained and extended into the rear yard adjacent to the existing parking lot.  Demolition of the Rectory building and garage will include removal of all above grade building materials, systems, assemblies, and structural elements as well as the removal and backfill of foundation assemblies as required. 

The selected firm will provide environmental services in line with the following HUD requirements. 

The project will fall into one of three categories:

  1. Categorically excluded from NEPA, not subject to the related law and authorities at 58.5
  • 24 CFR 58.6 lists the following requirements for compliance:
    • Airport clear zones
    • Coastal barrier resources
    • Flood insurance
  1. Categorically excluded from NEPA, but subject to the related laws and authorities at 58.5 (CEST)
  • 24 CFR 58.5 includes the following additional laws and authorities for compliance:
    • Air quality
    • Coastal zone management
    • Endangered species
    • Environmental justice
    • Explosive and flammable facilities
    • Farmlands protection
    • Floodplain management
    • Historic preservation
    • Noise abatement and control
    • Site contamination
    • Sole source aquifers
  1. Environmental Assessment per 24 CFR 5836
    • Environmental assessments require an additional set of components for analysis, including environmental assessment factors and the NEPA analysis.

Environmental Reviews will be undertaken by the Consultant selected under this request for proposal (RFP).

Scope of Services

The selected Consultant shall:

  1. Review the Project Descriptions and contact LAHC to garner additional information as necessary to determine the appropriate level of environmental review and required timeframe for completion of the environmental review;
  2. Provide LAHC with the determination of the level of environmental review, the projected start date, completion date, understanding of the project, scope of work, and fee schedule for the project.
  3. The Consultant will initiate all necessary consultations and studies to complete the environmental review as described in the HUD Environmental Review Regulations. The scope of this RFP covers only the items necessary to complete that review. Separate studies (Phase I, Radon, Asbestos, Lead-Based Paint, geotechnical, biotic, archaeological, noise, traffic, etc.) that are required and known during the scoping stage shall be supplied to the Consultant by LAHC or, if not already obtained, included as an additional cost item in the Consultant’s original fee schedule. Additional studies and consultations required that arise after the scoping stage may be included; only if the Consultant has notified LAHC of the need for the additional services, along with the cost, prior to initiating those services.

Section 106 Historic Review shall be conducted by the Consultant and included in the scope of work for the project. The Consultant will make a minimum of one site visit to examine and photo-document the location and surrounding environments and shall make additional visits as warranted.

  1. LAHC will publish all required public notices if needed. The Consultant will provide the publication’s text to LAHC staff. The Consultant will also provide LAHC with the text of all correspondence with other regulatory agencies required (SHPO, COE, ACHP, etc.) and then package and mail/ship or submit online to the information to the appropriate agency.
  2. The Consultant will compile all necessary information in the format specified by HUD for that level of environmental review and provide LAHC with one copy for execution by the Certifying Officer. The final environmental review record will include all necessary source documentation presented in an orderly, easily understandable manner.

The Consultant to submit the Part 58 Environmental Review via HEROs and assign the review to the City of Dearborn staff persons Christopher Raschke and Priya Mohan.

  1. The Consultant will assist LAHC in response to any public comments or questions received from HUD or any other federal or state regulatory agendas pertaining to the environmental review process.

The Consultant will be solely responsible for all costs Incurred during the environmental review process, including, but not limited to, travel time and costs, food, lodging, postage, shipping, reproductions, and subcontracts.

Submission Requirements

Responses to this RFP shall include, but need not be limited to, the following:

  1. Cover letter and Introduction

A letter of introduction, which includes the name, address, telephone number, and email address of the contact person(s) authorized to represent your firm. This letter should be signed by an officer of the firm authorized to bind the firm to all commitments made in the response.

  1. Qualifications and Experience

Provide descriptions of your firm’s role, experience, and capability in providing specific NEPA compliance services to other HUD-funded clients in the past two years. Briefly describe your firm’s general business capabilities and your ability to meet the required timelines.

  1. References

Provide a list of three clients, including the organization name, contact person, telephone number, and address as well as brief descriptions of the scope of work.

  1. Approach

Describe your firm’s approach to completing the scope of work.

  1. Staffing

Provide a list of staff members who will work on this contract, Including principals and staff- level personnel, along with the qualifications of each.

  1. Pricing

Please provide a detailed pricing sheet that outlines all costs associated with the scope of work as determined by the Project Description as lump sum pricing.

  1. Section 3 and WMBE

The Consultant must provide documentation regarding any claimed status as a Section 3 business or Women-Owned or Minority-Owned Business Enterprise- If applicable.

  1. Insurance

The selected Consultant will be required to provide a certificate of insurance certifying that they have insurance coverage that will cover their employees while on LAHC’s property and will protect LAHC from liability for the actions of their employees.

  1. HUD Forms
  • HUD 5369-B
  • HUD 2992 Certification Regarding Debarment and Suspension
  • Section 3 Business Certification
  1. Authorization

The response must be signed by an individual authorized to bind the firm and shall contain a statement to the effect that the response is valid for at least 90 days.

  1. Due Date

Electronic responses must be received by LAHC, see timeline below. The due date is subject to change. If the due date is changed, all known recipients of the original RFP will be notified of the new date.

  1. Questions/Answers

All questions must be submitted in writing no later than, see timeline below. If any questions are received, questions will be answered via email by the timeline below. 

LAHC will not provide verbal responses to any Inquiries made by prospective respondents.

Questions should be submitted to: Wassim Mahfouz:  [email protected]


  • RFP Issued – 12/18/2024
  • Proposals due – 5 pm EST 1/10/2025
  • Proposal evaluation – 1/15/2025
  • Consultant notified of preliminary selection, pending approvals: On or before 1/20/2025

Instructions for Submission of Response

Please submit via electronic submission in .pdf format to: Wassim Mahfouz: [email protected]

 Evaluation Criteria

Selection of the most qualified Consultant will determine the final contract award and be based upon a best value approach:

  • Understanding of the scope of work as evidenced by the approach outlined – 10 points
  • Competence, technical ability, and related experience – 20 points
  • Knowledge of NEPA and other federal environmental regulations – 20points
  • Lump Sum Cost Proposal –  30points
  • Responsiveness to the Request for Qualifications – 10 points
  • References – 10points

Total  – 100points

Rules and Regulations

The issuance of this RFP does not constitute an agreement by LAHC that any contract will be entered into by LAHC. LAHC expressly reserves the right at any time to:

  1. Waive or correct any defect or informality in any response, submittal, or submittal procedure.
  2. Reject any or all responses.
  3. Re-issue this RFP or change the deadline dates.
  4. Modify all or any portion of the selection procedures, before the submission deadline, including deadlines for accepting responses, the specifications or requirements for any materials, equipment, or services to be provided under this RFP, or the requirements for contents or format of the responses.

All responses shall be deemed public records. If a respondent desires to claim portions of its response exempt from disclosure, it is incumbent upon the respondent to clearly identify those portions with the word “Confidential” printed on the lower right-hand corner of the page. LAHC will consider a respondent’s request for exemption from disclosure; however, LAHC will decide based upon applicable laws. Assertions by a respondent that the entire submittal or large portions are exempt from disclosure will not be honored. All responses to this RFP shall become the property of LAHC and will be retained or disposed of accordingly.

LAHC shall not be liable for any pre-contractual expenses incurred by any respondent. LAHC shall be held harmless and free from all liability, claims, or expenses whatsoever incurred by, or on behalf of, any person or organization responding to this RFP.

All data and information furnished by LAHC or referred to in this RFP are furnished for the respondents’ convenience. LAHC does not guarantee that such data and information are accurate and assumes no responsibility whatsoever as to its accuracy or interpretation. Respondents shall satisfy themselves as to the accuracy or interpretation of all such information and data.

By submitting a response to this RFP, the respondent waives all rights to seek any legal remedies regarding any aspect of this RFP, LAHC’s selection of a consultant, and LAHC’s rejection of all responses.

LAHC also reserves the right to negotiate any price or provisions and accept any part, or all parts of any or all responses, whichever is in the best Interest of LAHC.

LAHC may, during the evaluation process, request additional respondent information, which LAHC deems necessary to determine the respondents’ ability to perform the required services. If such information is requested, the respondent (s) shall be permitted three working days to submit this information.

All respondents submit their statements to LAHC with the understanding that the final approval of any agreement is contingent upon and subject to review and final approval by LAHC.

Non-liability of LAHC: LAHC shall not be liable for any pre-contractual expenses incurred by the respondent or selected consultant or consultants. LAHC shall be held harmless and free from any and all liability, claims, or expenses whatsoever incurred by, or on behalf of, any person or organization responding to this RFP.




For a printable copy of the RFP, CLICK HERE

Please consider this document as a formal Request for Proposal (RFP) for Architectural design & Construction Management Services for LAHC- Leaders Advancing and Helping Communities.  Bids should be submitted to [email protected] by 5:00 p.m. November 15th, 2024. Bids must be accompanied by a completed version of the RFP form located at THIS LINK. 

All invitations to bid issued by LAHC will bind bidders and successful bidders to the conditions and requirements set forth in this Scope of Work, and such conditions shall form an integral part of any purchase contract awarded. All bidders shall contact LAHC CEO Wassim Mahfouz at 313-960-4007 or [email protected] between the hours of 9 am & 4 pm M-F to review the scope of work and/or participate in a site visit of the facility.

LAHC hereby invites Architectural Firms (“Design Team”, “Contractor”) to submit proposals for architectural and engineering services for LAHC’s new Workforce Development Center. This RFP intends to determine the selection of an architectural firm to provide full design services, construction documentation, bid packages, and construction/project management. Participation in this selection process shall be at no cost or obligation to LAHC. Design teams may be interviewed before the Contract Award.

The schedule of RFP issuance and award shall be as follows:

RFP Publication:                                                   September 20th, 2024
Walk Though/Conference:                                October 9th, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at 5275 Kenilworth St. Dearborn, MI. 48126
Proposals Due:                                                     
November 15, 2024
Complete Review of Proposals:                       November 30, 2024
Select Architectural Firm:                                 December 15, 2024
Substantial Completion of Bid Package:     
April 1, 2025


The project location is the adjacent Rectory building to the rehabilitated and repurposed Saint Clements Church at 5275 Kenilworth St., Dearborn, MI 48126.

The schedule for the Project is critical. We will work together to develop a mutually agreeable schedule.

Scope of work: By way of background, in 2017, LAHC purchased Saint Clements Church and the adjacent Rectory building, located at 5275 Kenilworth St. Dearborn, MI. 48126. LAHC rehabilitated and repurposed the 50-year-old church building, successfully transforming it into a state-of-the-art facility that welcomes community members and connects them to critical programs and services. Now, LAHC seeks to redevelop and transform the 7130-square-foot adjacent rectory (basement included in the Square footage) into a workforce development, education, and training hub.

The scope of work entails but not limited to demolishing of existing rectory building and garage, designing and constructing a 1 story 6500sf addition to the existing St. Clements Church building on the footprint of the existing rectory and extending into the rear yard between the existing parking lot and rectory building.

Funding: The construction project will be funded through ARPA funds from the State of Michigan- LEO, Wayne County and HUD.

Timeline: The project must be completed by June 1st, 2026, per the funders’ requirements.

This RFP is not an offer to enter into a contract. LAHC reserves the right to reject any and all responses resulting from this RFP. LAHC is not liable for any cost incurred in responding to this RFP.


A. Executive Goals and Objectives: The Architect will discuss with LAHC factors contributing to and supporting the project’s success. This discussion will include present and future goals, budget, schedule, review and approval process, critical areas of concern, and other pertinent issues.

Project Schedule: The Architect will prepare a schedule for completion of the design and renovation of the facility by June 1, 2026.

B. Program Verification: The Architect will verify the program with the Client Project Team. Data to include:

    • Workforce Development and Training classroom functionality and size.
    • Potential “red flag” issues and inconsistencies, and

C. Certificate of Occupancy: Analyze the currently authorized use and assist with obtaining a Change of Use if

D. Space Measurement: Measure the space to confirm usable square

E. Design: Successful Proposer will develop/define the Scope of Renovation (Exterior and Interior) for the property.  This will include architectural, plumbing, HVAC, electrical, and miscellaneous improvements to the property.

F. Bid Phase: The proposer will prepare the Construction Documents, including Drawings with Notes and a written Scope Narrative/Specification/Bid Package for the property.

    • The Proposer will provide Bid-Ready Construction Documents to LAHC.
    • LAHC will advertise and distribute the Bid Package.
    • Proposer, in coordination with LAHC, will conduct an on-site Pre-Bid Conference and walk-thru tour of the property for prospective bidders (construction services) for the onsite construction.
    • Proposer will respond to Bidder’s (Construction Services) questions and prepare Addenda as required for distribution.
    • The proposer will attend the Bid Opening.
    • Proposer will evaluate Bids received and provide rankings and recommendations to LAHC.
    • Contract Award: This will be managed and performed by LAHC.

G. Construction Phase: The Successful Proposer will perform periodic inspections of the Contractor’s Work on the property. The number and timing of the inspections will be determined by the stage and complexity of the Work and the Contractor/Subcontractors.

      • Successful Proposer will jointly perform a Substantial Completion Inspection with LAHC and prepare a Punch List to supplement the initial Contractor-prepared/submitted Punch List.
      • The successful Proposer will perform a Final Inspection to follow up on the Punch List that will be documented with a written report on the property.
      • The successful Proposer will review and verify Contractor Payments and forward verified invoices to LAHC for payment.

H. Project Time:

    • The Development/Design phase of this project is expected to be completed within 100 calendar days of the notice of award being issued.
    • The Bid, Construction, and inspection phases of this project are expected to be completed within eight months of the publication and advertisement of the bid for construction.


 A.     Conference:

A pre-proposal conference is scheduled for 10:00 am on October 9th, 2024, at the Rectory, 5275 Kenilworth St. Dearborn, MI. 48126


 Evaluation Criteria and Points:

  • Award will be made to the responsible proposer whose proposal best meets LAHC’s needs as set forth herein.
  • Proposers will be evaluated on the following criteria listed below:
  1. Qualifications/Experience: Demonstrate/detail qualifications and experience in commercial
  2. Space planning and design projects. Also, provide staff qualifications and certifications. (25 points)
  3. Understanding of Work Methodology: Demonstrate/detail capability to perform all the Requirements within the specified time.  (20 points)
  4. Past Performance/References: Provide the number of employees on staff capable of performing the specified services, as well as the qualifications and experience of the contract manager. Also, list at a minimum three references to previous projects of similar size, including a contact person’s name, title, and phone number. (25 points)
  5. Fee proposal (20 points)
  6. Minority-Owned or Woman-Owned Business Status (Submit proof with RFP) (5 points each)

A.     Proposal Package Components:

  • Design Team Introduction
  • Relevant Design Team Experience
  • Design Team organizational structure: Provide a proposed organizational structure to manage the Project, including identification of individuals to fill critical roles. Describe in detail each key individual’s most recent Project experience similar to the proposed project.
  • Proposed Project Schedule including: all design phases, entitlements, demolition work, Construction of new building, FFE, and certificate of occupancy
  • Schedule of Design Phases with associated Payment Schedule
  • Exclusions, qualifications, or exceptions to the required Scope, if any. Standard contract/terms and conditions, if any.
  • Provide your estimation of the following Proposed Construction Cost GMPs (guaranteed maximum price) for the following construction packages:
  • Demolition of existing building and garage
  • Environmental Assessment and Remediation
  • Site Utilities (New Sanitary, Water, and Storm) to new building.
  • New Construction
  • Furniture Fixtures and Equipment.


Responses to this RFP must be received on or before 5:00 PM, November 15, 2024. Responses must be submitted by email to Wassim Mahfouz <[email protected]>.  All responses will be acknowledged. If you do not receive an acknowledgment of your response within 24 hours, please call Wassim Mahfouz, LAHC CEO at 313-960-4007. This RFP is not an offer to enter into a contract. LAHC reserves the right to reject any and all responses resulting from this RFP. LAHC is not responsible for any cost incurred in responding to this RFP.


Please direct all questions regarding this RFP via email to Wassim Mahfouz at [email protected].

October 18th, 2024

Addendum to RFP

From: LAHC – Leaders Advancing and Helping Communities

To: Prospective Bidders 

Subject: Addendum to Existing Construction RFP

Section III: Project Scope

In addition to the existing scope, the following has been added:

The scope of work entails but not limited to demolishing of existing rectory building and garage, designing and constructing a 1 story 6500sf addition to the existing St. Clements Church building on the footprint of the existing rectory and extending into the rear yard between the existing parking lot and rectory building.

Section VII: Project Requirements

The fourth bullet point: Proposed project schedule, including all design phases, entitlements, demolition work, construction of the new building, furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FFE), and certificate of occupancy.


Provide your estimation of the Proposed Construction Cost GMPs (Guaranteed Maximum Price)** for the following construction packages: 

  – Demolition of the existing building and garage 

  – Environmental assessment and remediation 

  – Site utilities (new sanitary, water, and storm) to the new building 

  – New construction 

  – Furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FFE)

This addendum serves as a formal part of the RFP. All other terms and conditions remain unchanged. Please ensure these updates are reflected in your proposal.

Thank you for your attention to these changes. 

LAHC-Leaders Advancing and Helping Communities