Workout Opportunities for Women
“I have been so overwhelmed and haven’t joined in a while. I am so happy you are still holding these classes. They help me so much with being active and reducing my stress.” — W.O.W. participant
Healthy Living Sessions
Women’s Cooking and Fitness Classes
This evidence-based program for women focuses on healthy eating and active living. Each session includes physical activity, a nutrition session, and cooking.
Being Active, Eating Healthy
This healthy living program for all adults includes hands-on activities, videos, and handouts.
Learn about:
- Physical activity
- Nutrition
- Healthy lifestyle choices
- Food preparation (cooking skill development)
- Food safety
- Food resource management
Learn about
- Healthy food choices that taste great
- Quick, healthy meals and snacks
- Eating healthy on a budget
- Tips about losing weight and keeping it off
- How to make health eating part of your lifestyle
- How physical activity is key to living well
LAHC Calendar of Events
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This project was funded in whole or in part by the USDA’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and the Michigan Fitness Foundation.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.