Human Services

Human Services

“At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by “I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in.” Mother Teresa.

Food Assistance
  • LAHC Emergency Food Voucher Program (assistance is based on availability of funds): Food supplements are administered based on a voucher system. Individuals or families in need can receive a food voucher designated for groceries. The amount of the voucher is based upon the number of household members
  • Food Pantry Program: Provide food donations through our food pantry. Additionally, we organize monthly food distributions serving the homeless population
  • Turkey Drive: Provide holiday meal to seniors and families in need. 1000 turkeys along with canned food are distributed annually.


Clothing & Shelter

  • Clothing: Provide warm clothing, blankets & Nutritional supplies in preparation of the winter season
  • Shelter: Provide rent assistance (assistance is based on availability of funds)
  • Temporary Shelter: Provide referrals to homeless shelters and hotel/motel programs.


Back To School

  • Back to School Program: Provide backpacks filled with school supplies to students in preparation of the school year. 1000 backpacks filled with school supplies are distributed annually throughout various schools in Wayne County.



  • Translation of personal and corporate documents (fee for service): Translators are proficient in English, Arabic and French.  All translation services are provided for a fee; however, a sliding fee scale will be applied for low-income households. Types of documents available for translation include: birth certificates, death certificates, diplomas, divorce decrees, driver’s license, family inscriptions, immunization records, individual inscription, judicial records, marriage certificates, medical reports, newspaper articles, passports, personal identification cards, report cards, school transcripts, and more

Career Services

Workforce Development

  • Employability skills workshops
  • Resources to funded training/educational programs
  • Employer/job referrals
  • Resume development
  • Access to job fairs

Financial Coaching

  • Conduct assessments
  • Develop a workable budget
  • Work with participants to help them understand spending habits
  • Help participants learn how to stop living “paycheck to paycheck”
  • Coaching individuals on how to build wealth
  • Coaching lessons on building up a savings account and investing