Blooming Minds is a Therapeutic Recreation program utilizing evidence-based interventions to promote mental wellness through expressive art, music, movement, and games. Blooming Minds aims to decrease feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression, promote a healthy leisure lifestyle, and improve one’s overall quality of life. The one-hour sessions will consist of a weekly group therapy session on various topics depending on the assessed participant needs. The program will be run by Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialists with many years of experience in working with youth with mental health needs.
Sessions may include the following:
• Expressive art to practice emotional regulation
• Mindfulness and music
• Stretching and yoga to develop relaxation techniques
• Cognitive exercise and games to promote decision-making skills
Please note, education received through LAHC’s Blooming Mind’s Program is for informational purposes only and is not meant to be either a recommendation for medical treatment or a diagnosis of any medical condition. You should consult a health care provider for the advice and care appropriate for your child’s specific medical needs. Food and snacks may be served throughout the course of the program. Consumers that are concerned with food allergies need to be aware of this risk. While LAHC makes every effort to identify ingredients that may cause allergic reactions for those individuals with food allergies, we cannot assume any liability for adverse reactions to food consumed, or items one may come in contact with while eating. You also consent to release the LAHC- Leaders Advancing and Helping Communities and its board of directors/ members, employees, volunteers and sponsors (collectively, the “Indemnities”) and to indemnify and hold the indemnities harmless from all actions, claims, liability, and expenses, whether known or unknown, present or future (and expressly including (1) actions brought or claims made by your student after reaching the age of majority, and (2) actions or claims for damages caused in whole or in part by the negligence or gross negligence of the indemnities) relating to or arising from or connected in any manner with the student’s participation in the Blooming Minds Program. If you have any questions about this program, please contact Ms. Angela Bollin at 313-846-8480 Ext. 126 | Email:
[email protected]
The undersigned Parent/Guardian understands that by entering your name below, you give permission for your child, named in this application, to participate in this program.